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All notable updates and changes to the LoyJoy Conversational Marketing Platform are documented here.


  • Answers of GPT Knowledge are now stored in the variable gpt_output
  • Twitter Logo Replaced


  • Added OpenAI GPT-4o-Mini and Azure GPT-4o
  • Added Delete All Button for sources that have been uploaded manually.
  • SQL
    • Added projection e.g. SELECT some_column, some_other_column FROM some_table
  • Added function
    • productsCount to count the number of products in the database
    • productsToCsv format products as CSV
    • productsValueRanges to get the value ranges of products
  • Model checking for homeviews
  • Model checking rule for borderless jump (broken, archived, suspended)
  • Model checking rule for persistent quick reply (broken, archived, suspended)
  • Model checking rule for locale not maintained if a process has more than one language
  • Model checking rule for variable scope collision
  • Model checking rule for conditions which questionnaire question or answer has been deleted
  • Model checking now inherits issues to entities (consistently)


  • Hubspot now does upsert contact instead of create contact by default.
  • Storage indicator on process modules now indicates, if process modules store in session instead of database.
  • Updated from Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet to Claude 3.5 Sonnet
  • Optimized crawling for problematic web pages. Now checking for events load, DOM ready and network idle.


  • Products API
    • Upload product data programmatically via API endpoint
    • Use Database connector in the Product Feed module to connect to those products
  • Added consent manager Borlabs Cookie
  • Smoothened animation for new chat messages in the chat UI
  • In SQL added ORDER BY
  • New process module Delete Variables
  • Optimized sources retrieval strategies for GPT knowledge module
  • Optimized sources crawling


  • New function arrayJoin that joins an array of strings into a single string
  • New Default Prompt
  • New Prompt Builder


  • Google Sheets Connector: Use OAuth to connect to google sheets


  • Prompt Builder: Choose from a preset of prompts for the GPT Knowledge Module
  • Questionnaire: The Questionnaire module is now able to set tags
  • The Payload e.g. in API Client and Salesforce modules are now beeing validated clientside.
  • Salesforce API Mode: The Salesforce module can now send requests to the Apex REST API in Salesforce


  • New sources API allows you to add URL as sources or upload files


  • New welcoming screen in manager
    • Immediately jump to processes, knowledge, or analytics page according to role
  • Allow sorting processes alphabetical or by last change
  • New module "Featured Articles"
  • Allow linking to articles inside LoyJoy


  • When uploading image assets, zooming out is now possible
  • New selection of how many smart search results will be displayed at most
  • Add header for product gallery products
  • Fixed visual bug where long knowledge source tags could be pushed out of frame by an avatar
  • Fixed loyalty points required for a reward when a loyalty subprocess is connected


  • GPT 2.0
    • Create GPT experiences: Model incoming user messages inside experiences
    • New Process modules:
      • GPT Gateway Classify user inquries and route into different branches
      • GPT Knowledge Use your knowledge sources and articles to answer user inquries.
      • GPT Knowledge Followup Rephrase user inquries using the chat history
      • GPT Smalltalk React to chit chat and smalltalk
      • GPT Prompt Define your own Command and System Message (also available in normal experiences)
    • Adjust your GPT experience in the knowledge tab of your experience
    • Define the maximum number of results in
      • Chat footer (Knowledge settings)
      • Search Module
      • Search Widget in homeview
    • GPT cost tracking