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Live-Chat Setup-Guide

Setting Up the Chat

1. Load the Template

Load the “Live Chat” template into your tenant. How to get Templates

2. Set the Language

In the Languages tab, select the desired language for the chat. Templates are available in English and German. Automatic translation is possible. Handle Languages in LoyJoy

3. Customize the Greeting (Optional)

Click on the greeting module to edit the first message for customers. Welcome Module in Detail

4. Configure the Live Chat Module

Live Chat Module in Detail

Choose between synchronous chat (only available when an agent is online) or asynchronous chat (users can write even when no agent is online, and the agent can continue the conversation later). Decide whether customers must provide an email address to be notified when an agent responds while they are no longer on the website. (Optional) Customize the agent’s online/offline message. (Optional) Create buttons for customers to start an experience while waiting. (Optional) Edit the text for:

  • Waiting time for an agent
  • Chat assignment
  • Live chat termination
  • Agent unavailable
  • Agent change
  • Blocked users

For Messenger Apps:

  • Title for Continue Button After Chat Ends
  • Button and Message When User Is Redirected

5. Customize the Farewell Message (Optional)

Edit the message that appears when the customer leaves the live chat. Goodbye Module in Detail

Setting Up the Agent Environment

  • Agents can be assigned the restricted LoyJoy "Support" account. All About Roles at LoyJoy
  • In the left sidebar, select “Live.”
  • Click on the person icon and customize your profile:
    • Profile picture
    • Name
    • Job description
    • Automatic welcome message
  • Additional settings:
    • Assign chats only from specific experiences (with/without tags)
    • Frequency of sound notifications for new messages
    • Email notifications for incoming/assigned messages

Further Information

Agent Guide: Handling Messages

Live Chat FAQs