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How to Set-up 2FA in LoyJoy?

See also What is 2 Factor Authentication

1️⃣ Click on your avatar in LoyJoy to open the settings


2️⃣ Go to Account & preferences


3️⃣ Here, click on the tab Security keys

Security keys

4️⃣ Then click on Add security key

Security keys

5️⃣ Add your key in the form of a hardware key (FIDO2), fingerprint sensor of your laptop or MacBook, your Android or iPhone device.

For highest security, we strongly recommend using a FIDO2 key, which can be used on all kinds of devices (computer via USB-C, mobile phone via NFC), and can be used not only to secure your LoyJoy user account, but also all kinds of other services such as Google, Amazon, Paypal, eBay, Microsoft, AWS, Salesforce, Nintendo etc.