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Product Import

CSV Upload


This feature is currently in development and will be available soon.

You can import products from a CSV file. The CSV file must have the following columns:

  • title
  • locale

All other columns are optional. The CSV file must be encoded in UTF-8. Columns with names ending in _num will be treated as numbers and can be used in numerical comparisons.

In addition to the columns mentioned above and the custom properties, you can use the reference_id column to update existing products. This allows you to keep e.g. existing analytics data when updating products.

An example csv file could look like this:

Product 1,en,,L
Product 2,en,,M
Product 3,de,,S

Texts containing special characters like " or , must be enclosed in double quotes. If a text contains a double quote, it must be escaped with another double quote. For example:

"Product 1","en","This is a ""great"" product"

XLSX Upload


This feature is currently in development and will be available soon.

You can import products from an XLSX file. The import will only look at the first sheet of the XLSX file. The columns in the XLSX file must be named in the first row.

The XLSX file must have the following columns:

  • title
  • locale

All other columns are optional.

In addition to the columns mentioned above and the custom properties, you can use the reference_id column to update existing products. This allows you to keep e.g. existing analytics data when updating products.

An example xlsx file could look like this:

Product 1en
Product 2en
Product 3de

Number columns can be used in numerical comparisons. All other columns will be treated as text.

Products API

You can also add, update, and delete products using the Products API.