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LoyJoy allows you to manage a database of products in the platform. These products can be used to offer customers bespoke recommendations.

Products in LoyJoy

You can manually add or import products to LoyJoy. Products can be used in the product feed module.

The following product properties are available and will be shown in the chat interface:

  • title: Name of the product
  • description: Description of the product, always shown in the chat interface
  • url: URL to the product page, will be linked from image and product title
  • image_url: URL to the product image, will be displayed
  • price: Price of the product (text with currency symbol)
  • compare_at_price: Price before discount (text with currency symbol), will be shown as strikethrough
  • header: Header text, will be shown above product title

Another important property is the locale property. This property is used to determine which product to show based on the user's locale. If a product with the same locale as the user's locale is found, it will be shown. If no product with the user's locale is found, none can be displayed.

Additionally, you can add custom properties to products. These properties will not be shown in the chat interface but can be used to e.g. select which products to display in the product feed module. This selection can be done using SQL query syntax.