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Most LoyJoy process modules automatically emit events, when customers interact with the chat. For example such events can be that a customer has been welcomed or has signed in. Typically each event is prefixed with the name of the process module, e.g. event birthdate_entered for the Birthdate process module.

Events are processed in the following ways:

Events List

The following list covers most process modules and events. Please note that:

  • The event names do not form a forever constant API, as they may be extended and changed with the further development and growing feature set of LoyJoy.
  • Additional event names that are not included in this list may be emitted, as with the Event process module custom events can be defined and emitted by the modeller.
Event nameEvent description
hideThe chat window was not displayed when loading or hidden (hidden) after loading via JavaScript API.
loadThe chat was loaded.
openThe chat was opened.
showThe chat was displayed / no longer hidden.
closeThe chat was closed.
advent_calendar_door_askedA customer was asked whether to open an advent calendar door.
advent_calendar_door_openedA customer has confirmed to open an advent calendar door.
appointment_createdAn appointment was created in the appointment process module.
api_exceptionAnother exception has been thrown when accessing the API
api_http_connect_timeout_exceptionAn HttpConnectTimeoutException has been thrown when accessing the API
api_http_status_codeAnother error HTTP status code has been returned when accessing the API
api_http_status_code_400An error HTTP status code 400 has been returned when accessing the API
api_http_status_code_403An error HTTP status code 403 has been returned when accessing the API
api_http_status_code_404An error HTTP status code 404 has been returned when accessing the API
api_http_status_code_500An error HTTP status code 500 has been returned when accessing the API
api_http_timeout_exceptionAn HttpTimeoutException has been thrown when accessing the API
api_socket_timeout_exceptionAn SocketTimeoutException has been thrown when accessing the API
audio_message_requestedA customer was asked to record an audio message in the audio message process module.
audio_message_uploadedA customer has uploaded an audio message in the audio message process module.
birthdate_enteredA customer has entered their birthday in the birthdate process module.
campaign_message_sentA campaign message was sent.
code_enteredA customer has entered a code in the code process module.
code_entered_correctA customer has entered a correct code in the code process module.
code_entered_incorrectA customer has entered an incorrect code in the code process module.
code_registeredA code entered by a customer was registered.
coupon_code_issuedA coupon code was issued to a customer in the coupon code process module.
coupon_code_uploadedA coupon code was uploaded in the LoyJoy backend.
customer_updatedA customer was updated, e.g. by entering personal information such as name or birthdate.
data_collection_answerA user has given a pre-defined answer in a questionnaire process module (this includes e.g. quick reply type questions, but not text type).
data_collection_answer_idontknowA user has clicked the "I don't know option" in an questionnaire.
data_collection_nps_survey_score_0A customer has given the score of 0 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_1A customer has given the score of 1 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_10A customer has given the score of 10 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_2A customer has given the score of 2 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_3A customer has given the score of 3 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_4A customer has given the score of 4 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_5A customer has given the score of 5 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_6A customer has given the score of 6 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_7A customer has given the score of 7 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_8A customer has given the score of 8 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_nps_survey_score_9A customer has given the score of 9 in the NPS question type of the questionnaire
data_collection_questionA question was asked in a questionnaire.
data_collection_question_answeredA question was answered in a questionnaire (this includes all question types).
data_collection_variable_setA variable was set in a questionnaire.
endWhen an BPMN end event is reached in the process (denoted by a bold circle in the process flow).
firstname_enteredA customer has entered their first name in a firstname process module.
gender_diverseA customer has entered their gender as diverse in a gender process module.
gender_enteredA customer has entered their gender in a gender process module.
gender_femaleA customer has entered their gender as female in a gender process module.
gender_maleA customer has entered their gender as male in a gender process module.
gpt_question_answeredA customer question was answered by GPT
gpt_question_askedA customer entered a question in a GPT-enabled chat
gpt_question_fallbackA customer question could not be answered by GPT
gpt_question_timeoutA customer question lead to a timeout of the GPT API
gpt_thumbs_down_givenA customer gave thumbs down as negative feedback to a GPT answer
gpt_thumbs_up_givenA customer gave thumbs up as positive feedback to a GPT answer
handover_email_sentA handover email was sent.
home_view_openedThe home view was opened (non-unique).
home_view_screen_time15 seconds of screen time were reached in a home view (iterative).
intent_evaluatedAn intent was evaluated (i.e. a user has entered free text).
intent_matchedA matching intent (above threshold) was found when evaluating intents.
interactionA customer has interacted for the first time in a process / experience, i.e. has manually typed something in the chat, clicked an element in the chat etc.
jump_autoAn automatic jump process module was executed.
jump_decision_questionThe question where to jump was asked in a jump decision process module.
jump_decision_1The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 1st option
jump_decision_2The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 2nd option
jump_decision_3The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 3rd option
jump_decision_4The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 4th option
jump_decision_5The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 5th option
jump_decision_6The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 6th option
jump_decision_7The preceeding jump_decision_question was ansered with the 7th option
jump_persistent_1The 1st persistent jump quick-reply was clicked
jump_persistent_2The 2nd persistent jump quick-reply was clicked
jump_persistent_3The 3rd persistent jump quick-reply was clicked
jump_persistent_4The 4th persistent jump quick-reply was clicked
jump_persistent_5The 5th persistent jump quick-reply was clicked
lastname_enteredA customer has entered their last name in a lastname process module.
link_clickedA link was clicked in an external link or product gallery process module.
live_chat_durationA certain duration was reached during a live chat.
live_chat_endedA live chat was ended.
live_chat_startedA live chat was started.
loyalty_first_receivedA customer has received their first loyalty points.
loyalty_points_emittedLoyalty points were emitted to a customer.
loyalty_points_spentA customer has spent loyalty points.
loyalty_referralA customer has signed up after being referred by another customer via the loyalty referral process module.
loyalty_reward_redeemedA customer has redeemed their loyalty points for a reward.
mail_sentA mail was sent in the mail process module.
mail_to_customer_sentA mail was sent in a mail to customer process module.
main_prize_sentThe main prize was shown in the main prize process module.
markdown_link_clickedA text link was clicked.
newsletter_double_opt_inA customer has given the newsletter double opt-in via clicking the link in a double opt-in email.
newsletter_opt_outA customer has opted out to newsletter via clicking the unsubscribe link in an email or the settings menu in chat.
newsletter_single_opt_inA customer has given the newsletter single opt-in by agreeing in the chat.
newsletter_single_opt_in_askedA customer was asked in chat whether they want to receive a newsletter.
newsletter_single_opt_in_rejectedA customer did not agree to receive the newsletter in chat.
nps_survey_free_text_answeredA customer has answered the text question in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_0A customer has given the score of 0 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_1A customer has given the score of 1 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_2A customer has given the score of 2 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_3A customer has given the score of 3 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_4A customer has given the score of 4 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_5A customer has given the score of 5 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_6A customer has given the score of 6 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_7A customer has given the score of 7 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_8A customer has given the score of 8 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_9A customer has given the score of 9 in the NPS process module.
nps_survey_score_10A customer has given the score of 10 in the NPS process module.
participant_bpmn_processA customer has participated for the first time in process / experience.
participant_giveawayA customer has participated for the first time in a giveaway.
participationA customer has participated in a giveaway.
password_enteredA customer has entered a password in the password process module.
phone_number_enteredA customer has entered their phone number in a phone number process module.
platform_facebookA customer has chatted via Facebook messenger.
platform_restA customer has chatted via the chat UI on the website.
platform_viberA customer has chatted via Viber.
platform_wechatA customer has chatted via WeChat.
platform_whatsappA customer has chatted via WhatsApp.
postal_address_confirmedA customer has confirmed the postal address they entered.
postal_address_updatedA customer has entered their postal address in a postal address process module.
prize_details_sentA customer has requested the details for a prize in a prize process module.
prize_sentA prize was sent in a prize process module.
proceed_confirmedA customer has proceeded in a proceed process module.
process_likedA customer has liked a process.
profiling_double_opt_inA customer has given the profiling double opt-in via clicking the link in a double opt-in email.
profiling_opt_outA customer has opted out to profiling via clicking the unsubscribe link in an email or the settings menu in chat.
profiling_single_opt_inA customer has given the profiling single opt-in by agreeing in the chat.
profiling_single_opt_in_askedA customer was asked in chat whether they agree to profiling.
profiling_single_opt_in_rejectedA customer did not agree to profiling in chat.
pub_sub_failedA message to Pub/Sub could not be posted.
pub_sub_publishedA message was posted to Pub/Sub in a Pub/Sub process module.
questionnaire_questionA question was asked in a questionnaire (legacy).
quiz_answerA customer has used a pre-defined answer in a quiz.
quiz_answer_correctA customer has given a correct, pre-defined answer in a quiz.
quiz_answer_freetextA customer has given a free text answer in a quiz.
quiz_answer_incorrectA customer has given an incorrect, pre-defined answer in a quiz.
quiz_answer_not_freetextA customer has given a pre-defined answer in a quiz.
quiz_questionA question was asked in a quiz.
reach_five_authenticate_consent_1Consent 1 has been given
reach_five_authenticate_consent_2Consent 2 has been given
reach_five_authenticate_consent_3Consent 3 has been given
reach_five_birthdate_enteredA birth date has been entered while signing up with personal data
reach_five_firstname_enteredA first name has been entered while signing up with personal data
reach_five_sign_inA customer has signed in
reach_five_sign_upA customer has signed up
reach_five_sign_up_personal_data_requestedA customer has been asked to enter personal data while signing up
reach_five_sign_up_requestedA customer has been asked to sign up for an email address entered
reminder_double_opt_inA customer has given the reminder double opt-in via clicking the link in a double opt-in email.
reminder_opt_outA customer has opted out to reminder via clicking the unsubscribe link in an email or the settings menu in chat.
reminder_single_opt_inA customer has given the reminder single opt-in by agreeing in the chat.
reminder_single_opt_in_askedA customer was asked in chat whether they agree to receive a reminder.
reminder_single_opt_in_rejectedA customer did not agree to receive a reminder in chat.
resetA customer has triggered a chat reset.
restartA customer has triggered a process re-start via the chat menu.
reward_redeemedA customer has redeemed a reward in a rewards process module.
session_interactedAfter a new chat session has started (cf. session_started), a customer has interacted for the first time in a process / experience, i.e. has manually typed something in the chat, clicked an element in the chat etc.
session_startedA customer has started a new chat session. A chat session starts as soon as a chat message occurs, either from a bot or a customer. It expires after 30 minutes of inactivity (cf. Google Analytics).
screen_timeScreen time was recorded in a chat.
sign_inA customer has signed in.
sign_in_email_address_blockedAn email address was blocked because it was found on the block list for one-time email hosters.
sign_in_ip_address_blockedA customer was blocked from signing up because there were already too many sign ups from their IP address.
sign_in_pin_failedA customer has entered an incorrect PIN / code when signing up / signing in.
sign_in_pin_mail_sentA customer was sent an email with their PIN / code.
sign_in_pin_succeededA customer has entered a correct PIN / code when signing up / signing in.
sign_outA customer has signed out via the chat menu.
sign_upA new customer has signed up.
sign_up_requestedA customer was asked to sign up via entering the email address.
sms_double_opt_inA customer has confirmed the text message double opt-in via entering the code they received via text.
sms_opt_in_code_sentA customer has received a code via text in the text opt-in process module.
sms_single_opt_inA customer has given the text single opt-in by agreeing in the chat.
sms_single_opt_in_askedA customer was asked in chat whether they agree to receive text messages.
sms_single_opt_in_rejectedA customer did not agree to receive texts in chat.
snapshot_barcode_scannedA customer has scanned a barcode in a snapshot process module.
snapshot_image_uploadedA customer has uploaded an image in a snapshot process module.
startA process was started.
story_readA customer has read a story.
sub_process_visitedA sub process / process module was shown to a customer.
terms_acceptedA customer has accepted the experience / process terms.
terms_rejectedA customer has rejected the experience / process terms.
user_agent_desktopA customer on a dektop computer has chatted.
user_agent_mobileA customer on a mobile device has chatted.
variable_setA variable was set in a variable process module.
web_push_double_opt_inA customer has given the web-push double opt-in via agreeing to the question shown by their browser.
web_push_opt_in_subscription_requestA request was sent to a customer's browser to ask for web-push opt-in.
web_push_single_opt_inA customer has given the web-push single opt-in by agreeing in the chat.
web_push_single_opt_in_askedA customer was asked in chat whether they agree to receive web-push messages.
web_push_single_opt_in_rejectedA customer did not agree to receive web-push messages in chat.
web_push_subscription_goneA customer's web-push subscription (handled by the browser) could not be found (was likely deleted by user).
reminder_opt_outA customer has opted out to reminder via clicking the unsubscribe link in an email or the settings menu in chat.
reminder_single_opt_inA customer has given the reminder single opt-in by agreeing in the chat.
reminder_single_opt_in_askedA customer was asked in chat whether they agree to receive a reminder.
reminder_single_opt_in_rejectedA customer did not agree to receive a reminder in chat.
welcome_sentA welcome message was sent in a welcome process module to a new customer.
welcome_sent_recurrentA welcome message was sent in a welcome process module to a recurrent customer.
welcome_sent_recurrent_namedA welcome message was sent in a welcome process module to a signed-in customer with name.
win_lostA customer has not won in a win process module.
win_participant_bpmn_processA customer has participated for the first time in a process in a win process module.
win_participant_bpmn_sub_processA customer has participated for the first time in a win process module.
win_participationA customer has participated in a win process module.
win_wonA customer has won in a win process module.

Customer-specific Events List

The following list covers customer-specific process modules and events.

Event nameEvent description
beiersdorf_api_post_consumers_subscriptionA newsletter subscription as defined in the according process module has been written into a consumer profile (Consumer without first name, last name, password)
beiersdorf_api_post_users_care_profileSkin type data as defined in the according process module has been written to user care profile
beiersdorf_api_post_users_channel_permissionsChannel permission as defined in the according process module such as for email, ads, social etc. has been written to user
beiersdorf_api_post_users_consentsConsent as defined in the according process module for a membership, subscription or channel permission has been written to user
beiersdorf_api_post_users_engagementsEngagement as defined in the according process module such as a participation has been written to user
beiersdorf_api_post_users_membershipsMembership in a customer program as defined in the according process module has been written to user
beiersdorf_api_post_users_profileData as defined in the according process module has been written to user profile
beiersdorf_api_post_users_subscriptionsA newsletter subscription as defined in the according process module has been written for a certain topic into a full user profile (User with first name, last name, password)
beiersdorf_api_put_users_passwordPassword has been written to user profile
beiersdorf_sign_in A sign in via chat has happened
beiersdorf_sign_in_via_cookie A sign in via cookie has happened
beiersdorf_sign_up A sign up via chat has happened
beiersdorf_sign_up_requested A sign up via chat has been requested, i.e. the sign-up form has been rendered
beiersdorf_verification_code_failedA sign-in verification code has been entered, however validation failed, i.e. code was incorrect
beiersdorf_verification_code_succeededA sign-in verification code has been entered, and validation succeeded, i.e. code was correct