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LoyJoy provides the option to establish a connection with your external data source (such as Google Sheets) through connectors, allowing you to use this data within LoyJoy.

LoyJoy currently offers two types of connectors.

  1. Google Sheets
  2. JSON Api
  3. Database connector

For assistance with the configuration, please reach out to our support team.

SQL Filter

For connectors it is possible to define customizable filters using Structured Query Language (SQL). This allows you to filter the data from the external source before using it in LoyJoy. Take a look at the following SQL query.

SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 1';

In this example, the SQL query filters the data from the external source to only include products with the title "Product 1". You can use this feature to filter the data according to your requirements.

Supported Operators


SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 1';

Not Equals

SELECT * FROM products WHERE title != 'Product 1';

Greater Than

SELECT * FROM products WHERE price_euro_cent > 10099;

Greater Than or Equals

SELECT * FROM products WHERE price_euro_cent >= 10099;

Less Than

SELECT * FROM products WHERE price_euro_cent < 10099;

Less Than or Equals

SELECT * FROM products WHERE price_euro_cent <= 10099;


SELECT * FROM products WHERE title LIKE 'Product%';

Not Like

SELECT * FROM products WHERE title NOT LIKE 'Product%';


SELECT * FROM products WHERE title IN ('Product 1', 'Product 2');

Not In

SELECT * FROM products WHERE title NOT IN ('Product 1', 'Product 2');


SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 1' AND price_euro_cent > 10099;


SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 1' OR price_euro_cent > 10099;

Boolean True

SELECT * FROM products WHERE is_active IS TRUE;

Boolean False

SELECT * FROM products WHERE is_active IS FALSE;

Boolean Not True

SELECT * FROM products WHERE is_active IS NOT TRUE;

Boolean Not False

SELECT * FROM products WHERE is_active IS NOT FALSE;

Is Null

SELECT * FROM products WHERE title IS NULL;

Is Not Null



SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 5;

Cast to Integer

SELECT * FROM products WHERE CAST(price_euro_cent AS INTEGER) > 100;

Cast to BigInteger

SELECT * FROM products WHERE CAST(price_euro_cent AS BIGINT) > 100.99;

Cast to Decimal

SELECT * FROM products WHERE CAST(price_euro_cent AS DECIMAL) > 100.99;

Cast to double

SELECT * FROM products WHERE CAST(price_euro_cent AS DOUBLE) > 100.99;

Cast to char

SELECT * FROM products WHERE CAST(price_euro_cent AS CHAR) = '100.99';


SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 1' UNION SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 2';

Union All

SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 1' UNION ALL SELECT * FROM products WHERE title = 'Product 2';

Distinct on

SELECT DISTINCT ON (group) * FROM products;

Order by

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY price_euro_cent DESC;


You may also use projection to select only the columns you need. This can be done as follows:

SELECT title, price FROM products;