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Hubspot Module

Currently the Hubspot module supports creating new or updating existing contacts in Hubspot. When the module is run, it will first check whether a contact with the given email address already exists in Hubspot. If it does, the contact will be updated with the new data. If it does not, a new contact will be created.

Acquire API-Token

In order to acquire an API-Token for Hubspot create a new App in Hubspot and assign respective privileges below the scope tab. create_app scope

For further information refer to the official Hubspot documentation.


An overview about properties of your contact can be retrieved in Hubspot below contacts. contacts


It is required to map the email property in the Hubspot module. If the email property is not mapped, the module will not work.

Furthermore, here is an example for creating properties in LoyJoy.


A double opt-in for newsletter subscription can be triggered via Hubspot. The instructions can be seen in this Youtube video or in this Hubspot support article.