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Mailchimp Module


Add a member to an audience in Mailchimp.

API Key & DC

To authenticate with Mailchimp, create an API key in Mailchimp and use this key to authenticate with the module. Also enter your data center (e.g. us1) in the module settings. You can find your data center in the URL when you are logged in to Mailchimp.


Using the module you can:

  • Add an email address to an audience. You can find the corresponding audience ID in the audience settings. If you want to subscribe users with a double opt-in process you need to select status pending instead of subscribed in the process module and enable double opt-in emails in Mailchimp. This will send an email to the user with a link to confirm the subscription. The email is sent by Mailchimp and can be customized in the Mailchimp settings.

The email address is taken automatically from the LoyJoy variables. You need to use either an email module or a sign-in module to let users enter their email address so that it can be used in the Mailchimp module.


In the mappings you can configure target fields to write to. By default only the email address is added to the audience. If you want to add additional information to the audience you can use mappings in the process module. This will add the custom fields to the audience.

email_type, language, location, marketing_permissions, merge_fields.FNAME, merge_fields.LNAME, merge_fields.BIRTHDAY, merge_fields.ADDRESS.addr1, tags, vip

These fields are documented in the Mailchimp API documentation. The merge fields can be configured freely and are documented in the Mailchimp merge fields documentation.