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NPS Survey Module


Ask for the Net Promoter Score. NPS is a market research metric that asks respondents a survey question to rate the likelihood that respondents would recommend a company, product, or a service to a friend or colleague. Then, a second question asks the reason for the first answer.

Typical Use Cases


How to Use the Module


This feature allows you to customize the specific question presented to consumers during their interaction with the NPS survey.


Set the different answers for promoters, passives and detractors. You can add different animations if you want to.

Other texts

Choose the wording of e.g. placeholders.

See Stats and Download Results

To access the results, visit the analytics of the experience. Click on the "Drill-down" tab (Details tab in German). Find the NPS module and click on it. You can see the NPS score and the distribution of the results. You will also see a button to export the free text answers. The export is an encrypted CSV, the password will be shown when exporting. The free text export is normally stored for 60 days and will then automatically be deleted.

Useful Tips

  • Keep the question concise and easy to understand.
  • Maintain the essence of "likelihood to recommend" in your phrasing.
  • Consider your specific product/service when framing the question.
  • Ensure the question is relevant at the point in the customer journey where it's asked.

Process-Specific Variables

This module generates variables that are accessible throughout the current process. They are only valid for this specific process and may evolve with platform updates. For a detailed list, check the process-specific variables list.