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Opening Hours Module


Enter your opening hours to execute time based logic. During opening hours the variable ${opening_hours_open} is set to true, otherwise it is set to false. You can optionally add jump targets to the two cases.

Typical Use Cases

You can offer the live chat only during your opening hours. Another case is to display an emergency phone number when people need support outside your opening hours.

How to Use the Module

Configure Your Opening Hours

Define your opening hours by setting variable time frames for each day. You can choose either an interval (repeating days) or specific weekdays.

Interval Options:

  • Daily
  • Monday–Friday
  • Saturday–Sunday

Weekday Options: Specific days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Example Configuration:

Monday to Friday from 8:00 until 16:00

Saturday from 8:00 until 11:00

Saturday from 12:00 until 14:00


Using the Information

The opening hours information can be applied in two ways:

1. Jump if Open/Closed

Based on whether the business is open or closed, you can redirect the user to a subprocess or experience.

2. Using the opening_hours_open Variable

The opening_hours_open variable can be evaluated within chat module conditions, such as displaying certain messages or modules based on whether the business is open or closed.

Time Zone

Ensure that you select the correct timezone to accurately calculate your opening hours. This ensures that customers experience the correct timing based on your actual hours of operation.


Process-Specific Variables

This module generates variables that are accessible throughout the current process. They are only valid for this specific process and may evolve with platform updates. For a detailed list, check the process-specific variables list.