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Google Maps Platform API Keys

To create a Google Maps Platform API key for the LoyJoy Places module, you need to have a Google Cloud Platform account. If you don't have one, you can create one here. Once you have a Google Cloud Platform account, you can create Google Maps Platform API keys by following the instructions below:

  1. In Google Cloud Console enable Places API, Distance Matrix API, Geocoding API and Maps Static API.

API list

  1. In Google Cloud Console Credentials Area create a new key. Name this key "Places Server Key" and restrict the key to Places API, Distance Matrix API and Geocoding API.

Create Server API key

Restrict Server API key

  1. In Google Cloud Console Credentials Area create a new key. Name this key "Places Browser Key" and set the Application Restriction to "HTTP referrers (web sites)". Moreover, restrict the key to Maps Static API.

Create Browser API key

Restrict Browser API key

  1. There should now be two keys in the Google Cloud Console Credentials Area.

API keys list

Copy the generated keys to the respective fields Google Places server API key and Google Places browser API key into the Places Module or Questionnaire module.

Places Module